Sign Of Life, Refreshing Hope
Spring is here. Spring brings life back.
Have you notice lately, when you walk up close to a seemingly ‘dead’ and bare tree, you notice tiny shoots appearing from the buds? Do you get excited? You are probably right if you believe spring is well on its way. Spring, I believe is one of my favorite seasons of the year. That means I get to plant my new sunflowers again. For some reason, spring brings along much joy and gladness not just for the adults but also for the children. They get to play outside in spring, after staying indoor for the last 3 months of winter. The adults get to plan their new gardening projects. There is excitement and promises of fun for everyone.
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Object Lesson #1
The first object lesson is found in recognizing a very simple but profound truth in life and that is the first sign of life. It is important for us to remember that the first sign of life brings forth a new and refreshing hope. How many of us need to hear that today? We all do especially during this economic downturn. The only time and season that we notice this amazing sight through nature itself, is during the welcoming of spring. Winter is dreary and cold, with dead trees and ‘stick’ blossoms, where, spring promises fun and life and cherry blossoms. What a difference? The next time you are feeling depressed, be thankful you see spring again because you have a renewed hope once again. I hope you are feeling encouraged today knowing that you have hope in your heart.

Hope in Jesus
The Bible says: Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and today and forevermore. (Hebrew 13:8) Just as the seasons are predictable and never change, so is Christ Jesus. Put your hope in Jesus today and let Him gives you a new and truly refreshing life.
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