Immanuel – God With Us

Immanuel – What does it mean?

“See, a virgin will become pregnant
    and give birth to a son,
        and they will name him Immanuel,’

Immanuel-God with us

which means, “God with us.” 24 When Joseph got up from his sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary as[e] his wife. 25 He did not have marital relations with her until she had given birth to a son;[g]and he named him Jesus.

Am I talking about you?

Are you dismissing this story simply because Science is not backing it up? Supernatural events cannot be proven therefore, they cannot be true. Let’s just treat it as a fable, shall we?

The truth is there are still mysteries out there that science cannot account for.. Does science have it all? Why do some choose Science over accounts from the Bible?

The truth is supernatural happens around us all the time.

Supernatural events happen around us all the time, do you even notice? How about the beauty of child-bearing that inspire many new parents? Death in itself is a mystery that is capable of breaking one’s hope and dream. Ageing is not preventable and unstoppable. It’s coming for you whether you like it or not.  Sometimes, even when you refuse to face it, does not mean it is untrue. Maybe you are not ready for it.

Are answers important?

Some of us think answers are the most important factor to consider God’s existence. The truth is the sense of belonging and being loved are the changing points in our lives, do you agree?

Are we accepted as who we are? Are we loved without a condition by someone we considered special? Are these in fact what’s truly important to us?

Is God Supernatural?

If in fact God is not capable of anything supernatural, would we consider Him God?  I hope in the coming days, we are open to discuss and learn more from our story as it unfolds. Meanwhile, think about what Immanuel truly mean?

Hope to see you soon.. tune in for more tomorrow. Have a great night.

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