Silence Of The Almighty – The Purpose

Can we trust the silence of the Almighty?

Today, I started to write on this segment and hope that we can explore on this subject with depth and perhaps gain a new refreshing revelation later. The truth is not all questions have answers but with God’s revelation, we can get a better understanding of where we are and why we are going through it.

One of the greatest mystery of all is this silence of God right when you think you need Him. Why does God put us through this process? Have you experienced this where you heard from God, that a breakthrough is coming and you have hope and excitement. Suddenly, you got hit by this ‘massive’ silence from God, that left you wondering what you did. Is God angry with me? What have I done wrong this time?

Today, I hope to discuss this with you. Honestly, I have no answer to this yet. Are we on the same boat? Why is it that God cannot understand us? Does He had to figure us out or do we have to figure Him out?

Let me share my story – God’s silence

Declare the year of freedom I was given this for 2017. I did not understand why and how. But, I accepted and believe it was from God. My husband spent time in prayer and received more revelation on it. He believed God will send us to places, namely Spain, and surprisingly, Japan and one other place, I forgot. Japan was a surprise for me as it is a hard land for the gospel.

Next question: How? Dan is unable to find work for over 2 years now. We do not have the income to travel. But deep in my heart, I believe if this revelation is from Him, He will give all we need to get the tasks done.

He received revelation that needs to meet specific conditions before breakthrough comes. Then lately, Dan, my husband became desperate for income to flow in. It was a difficult struggle for us not to have an income for the family. It is either we are fighting with God on this or God is addressing this head on. We are still struggling to figure this out.

Lately in the shower, out of nowhere God dropped a word for us : Your drought is over! When you hear this, you can imagine how exciting I am. Right? Wrong. Next thing you know God is silent since and everything seem to go wrong. We have more frustrations and pain to deal with. Can the word I heard be of God’s?

Is this silence familiar to you?

Do you have a word for our situation? This is a learning curve for us and the struggle is real. Most of all, I share with you honestly today because I believe we are not the only family going through this and at the same time, there is a need for us as believers to understand this mystery. In  hoping that from what we learn, it produces a sweet aroma from the hardship we go through to bring God’s glory and then return it back to Him.

We include a set of questions for your group Bible discussion. Hopeful that this discussion will help bring some light and answers to your circumstance, You are allowed to use my story.

Group Bible Discussion:  Silence of the Almighty

 Study : The Life Of JOB 


  1. Does God have a purpose in His silence? Discuss the possible answers.
  2. What have I done to cause God to remain silent this long?
  3. Is God angry with me?
  4. What does the Bible talk about His silence?
  5. How long should God remain silent?
  6. Why is God silent?
  7. How do we pray for those who go through this?
  8. Is God’s silence an final test for His children?


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