Charlie Gard Needs Your Prayers, Will You Pray?

Charlie Gard

Many of you heard about the story of Charlie Gard and the latest update requires our attention and our actions. The judge demands Charlie’s parents to give ‘new and powerful evidence’ demonstrating that he be kept alive to receive experimental treatment.

The dateline for this submission is on Wednesday and a second hearing will be held on Thursday this week. This can mean that if the judge decides to end Charlie’s life, it can happen by the end of this week. How is this possible?

Charlie Gard

Charlie, a 11-month-old baby suffers from a very rare mitochondrial disease and has brain damage. There is no cure for this disease presently. The hospital determined that the best treatment for Charlie was to remove his life support and allow him to die with dignity.

Many times, we heard doctors say that aborted babies are often children with various disabilities because they will not have good quality of life. It would be better for them to die than to live because there is no hope for them.

Yet, many times, we hear testimonies from parents that life is better because of their existence. They are better parents because of them.

Brain Damage And Muscular Degeneration

How is brain damage an answer to death? What about muscular degeneration and incurable disease? Are these answers reasonable enough to end a life? Have we seen it all?

In the 19th Century, Down Syndrome, which was known as ‘Mongolism’ was first discovered by a British physician named John Langdon Down. Meanwhile, any parents who had children with ‘Mongolism’ then issued a ‘death sentence’.

Yet, we have seen how science progressed since then. Lifespan for adults with Down Syndrome is now well above 50 years.

Brain damage is no longer a ‘death sentence’ for many of our children with various disabilities. Now how is rare mitochondrial disease different? Since science is so advanced these days, how is another rare form of disease keeping us from making life better for these children?

We are making breakthroughs everyday in science. One day, this disease will become another challenge we can overcome. For now, Charlie Gard’s life matters. We can do this because we can save his life.

Cancer Survivors & Charlie Gard

If we can hold on to hope for those who are suffering from cancers, that which is incurable for many survivors, how can we not hold on to any hope, especially for Charlie? Are our babies not worthwhile saving because they do not have their voices?

What would Charlie cry out if he is able to do so? If Charlie is to die in dignity, should not his parents allow to enjoy and have him for another day? How about for as long as he is able to receive the treatment and live?

In Conclusion – Charlie Gard’s Story Pray for Charlie Gard

Charlie needs your prayers. He needs a miracle. Even a change of heart from the judge is a miracle Charlie needs to get his treatment, for a chance to stay alive and a hope for his parents to have the time to spend with Charlie for as long as he is able to do so.

The only hope he has now is to get some form of treatment that can help him, keeping him alive. Please say a prayer for Charlie Gard this week. He deserves a chance to live not die in dignity.

To die, we can get it anytime, but to live, we have to show ‘new and powerful evidence’. What an irony.. Charlie needs you today.

Leave your comments below and let us know what you think or contact us if you have any question. We look forward to hear from you.

We Keep You Up To Date On Charlie

Breaking News on Charlie: Please click on the breaking News to find out more about Charlie’s situation. We ask that you continue to pray and support Charlie while he is still fighting for his life.

New Release on Charlie: Want to know more? Click on New Release to learn more.

Judge Francis seems in a hurry to remove Charlie’s life support according to the newest development. Please keep this family in your prayers.

Today, July 14, we finally get a good and encouraging breaking news on Charlie’s situation. Read all about it on our link.

July 19 update: Not only did Charlie get his first brain scan, Charlie is given U.S citizenship to fly to America for treatment.


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