Too Late For Charlie?
This morning I woke up with a heavy heart after receiving a devastating news update on Charlie Gard’s latest development. It is a piece of news no parents look forward to. Both Chris Gard and Connie Yates declared their decision to end their legal battle to save Charlie’s life. This decision came after Dr. Michio Hirano took a look at the scan submitted to the court by the Hospital today. The prognosis did not look good.
According to the report that came out this morning, “Charlie has experienced significant muscular atrophy, for instance, as a result of his condition. While the treatment could potentially improve his condition – though doctors have said the chances are low – it would not be able to reverse those effects and so it is too late to pursue that route, the family has agreed.”
After 5 months of Charlie’s parents fighting to save their son, it is too late.
Charlie’s Parents Prepare For His Verdict – Too Late
As Chris and Connie make peace to accept the news that they did everything they could to give Charlie a chance to live, no matter how long or short it might seem, to prepare for Charlie’s last remaining days left with them. This is a devastating day not only for them but also for any parents who believe that life is worth saving. No matter how short that little life is or in some circumstances, is allowed to live.
What does ‘die with dignity’ mean to Charlie?
Does the term ‘die with dignity’ mean anything to Charlie? Or is ‘die with dignity’ a comforting thought for us as adults because Charlie is a hopeless case? Charlie’s primary doctors could not reach a final decision that Charlie is in pain. How can we say that by removing Charlie’s life support we are letting him ‘die with dignity’? Why do we have to fight this hard to save a life before it is too late?
Is ending a life easier than saving one these day? Who truly win today?
Did the law of Britain win today?
Judge Fransis will make his decision on Charlie tomorrow and we know what is going to happen to him. For those who believe that the law rules over parental rights, you may feel you are right on today. It is time to celebrate indeed. Those who think Charlie got 5 more months to live, got justification by the verdict today. You breathe a little better because you are probably right.
The truth is, when a life ends, no one wins. No one reaches this far to stay alive and is ultimately given the verdict that it is ‘too late’. Please I ask you continue to pray for Charlie‘s parents through this ordeal.
Did GOSH Do Enough For Charlie? -Too Late
Did Charlie’s primary doctors from GOSH do all they could, to care adequately for him while put on the ventilator for life support? Or was it true, that his death sentence was declared since March?
My question is: Did Charlie continue to receive any form of therapy that is, physical therapy, while he was under the care of GOSH after March? This action speaks volume because we need to know if Charlie got the death sentence since the hospital decided that he was truly a ‘hopeless case’ in March?
Why does it matter or does it matter to anyone that a hospital has the right to give up on its patient and deny any form of treatment presumably before seeking a second opinion?
By raising these questions I hope we will seriously ponder on what is right and what is appropriate. Charlie deserves an answer from our conscience not out of our convenience.
The Frustration Continues For Chris And Connie
Every step of the way was difficult and obstructed by the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. In fact the final obstruction came today from GOSH clearly showed how unwilling the Hospital was to help Charlie’s family.
If it is truly so important to GOSH to make sure that Charlie ‘dies with dignity’, then GOSH needs to release him to his family to let him die at home with privacy in his mom and dad’s final care. Just stop making absolute impossibility to Charlie’s final moment.
Judge Fransis Rulings
July 26 update: The battle continues.. Judge Fransis gave a statement that if Charlie’s parents and GOSH cannot reach an agreement by 12pm tomorrow (July 27 ), Charlie will die in a hospice facility.
July 27 update: Judge Fransis ruled that Charlie will die in a hospice facility and Charlie’s parents are disheartened by the outcome of the ruling today.
July 28 update: Charlie passed away today after the order to remove his life support executed.
Reflection on Charlie
Please pray for Chris and Connie as they did the best they could for Charlie. Although life does not always go the way we expect, we can only trust God that He knows why He is in a hurry to receive Charlie back in His arms in Heaven. The truth is even though the world let Charlie down, God will not. He is safe in God’s arms now. Let Charlie #restinpeace.
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