Good Enough, Mom?
Are you moms who are struggling with self-confidence that ask constantly: ‘Am I good enough?’ and ‘Have I done enough?’ Today, I like to say: ‘You are good enough and you are brave.’ Don’t let others tell you otherwise.
Good Enough Is Not Enough
Parents enter into this journey with nothing but clean clear pages with nothing written on them. You look for manuals but found none. You look for instructions and got disappointed. We literally have to pray through our pregnancies at all times and I suspect that every pregnancy is covered by prayers from those who love us.
Meanwhile, we study the handbook ensuring that we are prepared when baby arrives. The truth is no matter how prepared we think we are, there is always something that reminds us otherwise. Do we struggle to become the best? If we compare with other moms, are we at the 99.9 percentile? The top 1% in the parenting world?
Good Enough Is The Best We Know How
Through this journey of parenting, we learn to take note. We observe, we question and we take notes. That is how we become the best because we learn through our mistakes. That is also how I believe God grows our mindset as parents. It is also through our desperate times, we come to God for help.
Do we need all our questions answered? The answer is no. The learning continues as we grow through our life experiences. We learn to make better choices over our failures. Interestingly, we learn to increase our ability to work within our limitations over time. We have become therefore the best that we know how. That is good enough by the way, moms.
You Are A Brave Mom! That Is Good Enough
Parenting is no easy feat. Trust me! You need courage and grit. For that reason you are brave enough. Look at your child’s achievements not failures. Seek to empower not put down. Look at how much you have grown as a mom and dad. You are brave enough to take on the challenges of raising a lifelong learner. That is good enough! Don’t you think?
Enjoy your special day with your families mothers. Don’t worry too much. You have it made. If you enjoy reading my blogs, click like and share on DOTA Facebookpage
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