Satan- ‘Why does God create satan?’ was the most interesting question that my 5-year-old asked me today.
So, how did this question come about in our conversation? Part of our conversation was: ‘Who is satan?’
When we talk about who satan is, we talk about the existence of evil. If we further elaborate on what evil is, and know what evil is capable of, then why does God create satan? Here’s what our conversation led to.
To love God, God demands that we love Him with all our hearts, our minds, and our souls. Why can’t God simply accept it when we say we love him? Does God insist that we love Him with all our hearts, minds and souls? What has it to do with satan then?
Have you ever expect that your spouse whom you love will love you back in return? Love is the most beautiful thing on this earth. When you truly love, you give your all to that which you love, am I right?
Sometimes, your love is not reciprocated. That is why love can be hurtful. When God creates us, He desires for us to love Him fully, wholeheartedly. Yet, at the same time, He recognizes that His creation may not reciprocate in the same manner. That He allows freewill.
The same way we are capable of – to love with all our hearts, minds and souls or to hate and despise Him. In order to know for sure, who truly loves you, you have to allow that person that freewill to not love you.
Which lead us back to this question: ‘Why does God create satan?’ God created Lucifer, the arc angel Lucifer. Lucifer was a high ranking angel. He was created to worship God and be God’s messenger. However, he wanted to become like God, became a rebel and fell away from Him.
Lucifer later became satan, the originator of evil. Lucifer became the deceiver. Therefore it is safe to say that Lucifer is the creator of the persona of satan, the evil that is rampant in our invisible realm. If God did not create satan, then why did He not put a stop to him anyway?
God passed His judgement on satan by sending him and his followers to hell. That would be their final resting place. God must have hate satan so much that He send him to hell, right? Good question!
I don’t think God hate Lucifer, but the evil and darkness that deceive so many. The attempt that satan masterminds to take with him as many of God’s creation to hell is despicable to speak the least. Why should God tolerate such act?
Many think God is a tyrant, merciless and cruel Ruler. Yet, when they take time to read the Bible, they discover opposite is true. Through the Bible, we know God became man in the person of Jesus Christ (Son of God).
Jesus through his life, we know that he was humiliated, misunderstood, and died on the Cross (treated like a criminal). But, was glorified through his resurrection, 3 days after his death on the Cross.
The only reason Jesus came to live on earth for 33 years, he fits the description of the sacrificial lamb (the only offering that could appease God).
If God is indeed a tyrant, merciless and cruel as many think, why would He sacrifice Himself to die on the Cross and His blood that cleanses us from all our sins (wrong doing) and set us free to be with Him forever in Heaven?
The only explanation is this, He loves what He created and treasure everyone of them.
But, for those who choose to hate Him anyway, there is nothing more He could do but to let you have your way. Sometimes, when you do your best to provide for your children and yet your children cannot appreciate the good you do for them, you simply have to let them go and give them time to find their way home back to you.
This is all I have to say. Good nite to you all and may you spot that light that help you figure out the answer you are looking for. Feel fress to visit our Facebook Page.
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