Recycled prayers versus refreshing prayers

Recycled prayers are nothing new to us. Since today is declared our nation’s day to pray, I hope to address some of our thoughts on prayers. Have you asked yourself what it is? Why do we need someone to tell us how to pray since praying is talking to God.

Over the years, we read books on how to pray. Meanwhile, we rely on the sinners prayer that we recite to God for our salvation. Here’s the problem because we aren’t robots. God created us with an intent to reciprocate His love for us. What does that mean?

Recycled prayers
Declaring His name

Recycled prayers are not from our hearts

Does doing it right more important than sounding good? Why is it so important to us that we rather sound good in prayers? Does it matter if we fumble in our prayers before God? Does He penalize your child like prayers? You might have guess it right where I am going with this.

We come to God with a child like faith. We can come to God with a child like prayer.


They become religious norm

When these prayers that we recite on daily basis become a norm, we become at risk, of being spiritually dead. Some to these days, still practice them. Be careful, that at the end of our journey we lose our way.

Does it really matter if we recite our prayers after all? The Bible says: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.’ Matthew 22:37

Can we be sincere as we recite our prayers? Yes, we can. We have to intentionally check our state of hearts, souls and minds.

How about refreshing our prayers?

Jesus said not to forbid any child from coming to Him. He opened His arms to the children. Children are not afraid to make mistakes. If Jesus welcome children to His Kingdom, would it hurt to come to Him in prayers like a child? No! Absolutely not.

Jesus does not delight in sound good prayers. He searches your heart and your soul and mind for where your love is. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Recycled prayers – In conclusion

Seek to love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Then your prayers will flow, out of abundant of your heart. He will find joy and delight in those prayers, so refreshing and pure.

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