Change Can Be Powerful
Are You Powerless To Change?
Has anything stirred up your guts lately and have you been challenged in recent days? Or is life so mundane that nothing can possibly bring excitement in your life any more? When was the last time you heard God speaking to you? These were a few questions I asked myself for a while now. Although, nothing changed for a few years, lately my heart got stirred and once again I heard God’s prompting again. Has this been happening to you as well? God has a message for you.
A heart of indifference is living, without a soul, without a passion. Do you agree? What do you mean by a heart of indifference? Living with a heart of indifference is like you know you have breathes, you are alive and somehow in your heart, you know you are dead. DEAD to everything that is happening around you. The best description on you is, you are nothing but a walking corpse, without a hope. How is this even possible? Yes! It is possible.
When we become powerless to change, when we believe life is hopeless, when we live like there’s nothing to look forward to, and when we lose all passion and want in life. We need to ask ourselves: ‘Is this ultimately what I’m willing to put up with? and ‘Is this what I want?’ The next question would be: ‘Where have you left that passion? If Passion is your drive in life, without it, you have no life. What would you think is your passion in life? Leaving everything aside, what would you want the most? Envision what that new change could be..
Lately, I was desperate for a change even in my dream. Especially when you are feeling absolutely powerless to change anything. A tiny change, anything, will help to bring that breeze of possibility back in your grip. Then it could help you set new goal for better change, for the future. Even if it takes one tiny step, take it.
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