New Season

What’s the new vision in this new season?

Are you glad you’ve survived the winter? This winter was brutal to many, especially those living in the East, who experienced extreme snowfalls, and major flooding. Finally, this winter spelled the beginning trend of  break through from a serious 4 years of drought in California. A blessed season of abundant rain on the Valley floor and snow up in the mountains. The same winter but entirely different outcome for people living in different parts of America. Have you catch on to the new vision that God brings along with every new season? What this spring is for you?

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What’s  in store in  your new season?

Are you excited what new things God is opening your heart to receive this new season? It came in the quiet moments spent in God’s presence and sometimes, it is in the strange early hours that God wakes you up to converse with Him. Whatever you do, don’t miss that special moment and be there when He calls.

I wrote a note sharing about what God is doing new in my life in this new season. On Facebook today, I wrote this: ‘Reading the Bible to David one chapter a day from the Book of Genesis, is also teaching me that I need to hear His Word one chapter a day, just like eating an apple a day, keeping the doctor away.

Tonight, right before my 3-year-old, David fell asleep, I asked him what he would like to dream about in his sleep? He mentioned he liked to see the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.. Well, I told him to ask God. It’s amazing what this 3-year-old had in mind.. It never even crossed my mind to think about that. God is changing me..

I’m learning indeed that when I choose to obey His call, my perspective, my life view changes and I have a new way of thinking.. which in turn reminds me of Romans 12:2

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.’

Are You Ready for your new season?

To be honest, sometimes, that’s exactly what we needed. A new way of thinking that brings about a break through in our situations and a new hope that spring up new revelations in our lives. Are you ready for a new season that comes with a new vision? God is eager to show us if only we wish for them.