Creature of Garden world:
Let me introduce: Here Lies Winter
Creature of Garden world
Welcome to Backyard Treasure:
This is a blog about my journey as an immature garden enthusiast. My journey began during the COVID 19 lockdown. California was lockdown for a little over two years in 2019 to 2021.
why I do what I do
Nothing impacted lives more than those two years where the entire world came to a halt and lockdown. How COVID changed the way we would see our world was absolutely undeniable. Whether it was for better or worse, we have yet to know for sure.
Creature of Garden world
One thing for sure though, COVID changed mine. I began to focus on my love for photography and passion for gardening.
It was also during that stretch of time I noticed the treasure in my front and backyard gardens. Affirming me that I was able to capture beauty both in my surroundings and trails that I traveled.
Hence, I discovered my new found love for macro photography. The insects world bring a unique perspective that I did not see before. For that, I am truly grateful.
What is my dream for this adventure? How I want to be remembered? There are moments in my life that I wonder if anyone would miss me, to be honest. Does anyone out there even know I exist? As someone who is an introvert and has no intention to mangle with people, who is more comfortable talking to animals than humans.. that pretty much sums up who I am.
Historians write about important events throughout history. In a similar fashion, my story records the world I come to know and how I want to be remembered.
As a writer who embraces free speech, I share my political stance from time to time and I will not apologize for my thoughts and opinions about the political climate in today’s world.