Storm Of Life
Whenever we mention about storm, we either avoid the subject or wish it never happens. Some parts of United States are experiencing huge storms this week feeling the freezing cold weather yet others are welcoming spring like weather, warm and sunny. On the same continent, yet experiencing such different circumstances. Isn’t life so unpredictable? Some people never experience hunger in a day while others go hungry without food everyday. Some people never go anywhere without a pair of shoes while others have to walk for miles and miles, barefooted.
Do we complain about our circumstances in life? Do we tell God: ‘Please God, enough is enough!’ Why do we despise the storms of life? Can we call the trials and tribulations the storms in our lives? Well, we say that all the time. Are we afraid of what the storms of life bring out in us? Are we those who welcome challenges or are we the ones that ‘curse God and die’?
Those who had gone through a huge storm like the deep freezing cold winter prior, came out better prepared, for what the next winter storm brings. They would know exactly what to get ready and store up for the next coming storm. For someone who has no prior experience would never be prepared enough for it. Those who have gone through the experience are able to share relevant information and be helpful to those who need help. Can we therefore conclude that because of the pain and heartache that ones sometimes experience and associate with such storms, they should be avoided or despised? Can a storm of life changes our perspective and transform our lives? What then should our attitude be toward the storms in our lives?
Should Fear Or Faith Rule?
A story was told about a similar storm that the disciples of Jesus experienced while they were on board a boat. Now, according to Luke 8:22-25, the Bible says:
Jesus Calms the Sea
22 One day, Jesus and his disciples got into a boat. He told them, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they started out. 23 Now as they were sailing, Jesus fell asleep. A violent storm swept over the lake, and they were taking on water and were in great danger. 24 So his disciples went to him, woke him up, and kept telling him, “Master! Master! We’re going to die!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves. They stopped, and there was calm. 25 Then he asked the disciples, “Where’s your faith?” Frightened and amazed, they asked one another, “Who is this man? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him!”
The first question Jesus raised to His disciples was: ‘Where’s your faith?’ Why was it important for Jesus to ask His disciples this question? If the disciples knew Jesus well and having seen Jesus performed so many miracles before their eyes, should they be afraid while He was with them? Should they expect Jesus to do something? Yet, they found Jesus sleeping while the storm was raging on. What were the disciples focused on? The storm of course! They were afraid. If you would like a detailed Bible lesson on this subject, click on the link. It is an excellent article that expand on what was shared.
When we are facing our storms in life, should our focus be on the storms or on Jesus? When our focus is on the storm, we will often be feeling overwhelmed and as a result be living in fear all the time. But, when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we turn our trust on who Jesus is and what He is able to do. Let us therefore, cast all our cares upon Him, for He will carry us through our storms. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and place your trust in Him.
Let us always be thankful that we have Jesus on this journey with us. We will never be alone. Be open to what Jesus is teaching us through our trials and tribulations. When we see our storms as opportunities to grow and be more like Jesus, our storms are not storms but stepping stones to be closer to our Lord Jesus. May you be truly blessed knowing that we are not ruled by our fear but the comfort that our Lord Jesus will carry us through if we cast our cares upon Him. Let’s stay focus on Jesus this week!
Stay Blessed,
NOTE: Looking for Spring project ideas? How about our New Update on Projects?