Call Of God Marks Our New Dawn!
We would like to announce a project. Every month, we invite a special guest to blog about what’s on her heart. As women of God, we are precious in the eyes of God. He calls us effectively to live for Him in whatever roles we play at home and in the society. In 2015, we like to focus on the ‘Call of God’ in our lives. How God uses us in our various roles to impact our next generations as well as in our work places whether we are moms (working or stay at home), grandmothers, step moms, our professions (callings). God desires that we are His witnesses to His love and compassion, His faithfulness, His grace and mercy and His justice. That we through Him, be vessels for His glory.
So, what is the call of God? The call of God is often associated with ministry. To serve God full-time is an awesome commitment and admirable. But, God also place us in various workplaces as the exemplary light to bring others to Him. When we ask ourselves what we are passionate about, we are seeking to know His calling in our lives. So hopefully through the sharing from our guests each month, by the end of 2015, you will be able to confirm His calling in your life.
The blog or article would be in a form of an interview with questions to guide and direct. The guest would have to answer the questions as required. For example, begin the interview first with a brief introduction. Then tell us about what you believe God has called you to do? Prior to that, what were you doing? How do you know God had called you? What would you share with those who believe they are called as you were ( professions or ministry or simply a mom )? Would you do it any other way? Why and why not?
If you have any suggestions and you would like to give to it, please contact Eileen Dick and we will get back to you. If you have a candidate for DOTA, please let us know. We would love to hear from you. Or you have some one you would like to interview, you are welcome to contact us. Thank you, we look forward to serving you better in the future.
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