Sacrifice is voluntary
Sacrifice comes from within, it is therefore voluntary. What do you understand by that? It simply means someone gives up something for a greater cause or higher purpose.
If you know the Bible, you hear a lot about God sacrificing His Son Jesus, right? Often you wonder why? We hear a lot about humans offering sacrifices to their gods, unlike this God. He offers His Son.
According to the Old Testament
God in the old testament requires sacrifices. However, not just any sacrifice. Only the unblemished offerings accepted by God pass the test. If our sacrifices remain unacceptable, how can we ever please God?
When we offer an animal to God, we pick the best, without blemish. God then accept it and our sins are forgiven that way. What happens when our offering no longer appease Him? What then?
That ultimately became a problem. For sins became too great. That meant from generation to generation, sin became unbearable to a point, God could not let it resume the way it did.
Sacrifice – Something got to to change
The Bible says:
” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, “
Romans 3:23
Nobody can therefore meet God’s standard. Can humans ever please God? Subsequently, do you think this question ever pops up in God’s mind?
When God send His only begotten Son Jesus to die on the Cross, is He addressing this question?

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The ultimate question
The ultimate question we ask is: ‘Can a man save himself?’ If we all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, is it possible we can save ourselves?
Are we able to find within ourselves, the ability to save? In light of what God requires, do we pass the test? In other word, can we pass the test?
Can we be saved by doing good works alone? Is being a good person, good enough to God? Therefore, how good is one justified by his actions that he finally got it?
No amount of good works alone can save you. Why? Good is not good enough to God. For instance, If God is Holy as He says He is, God is perfect. Can we reach perfection through good works?
However, they do not equate. In this case, we are simply comparing an apple to an orange. Perfection isn’t the same as good works.
God’s intervention

God sees it no other way but to provide the only way possible. That is to provide the perfect sacrifice in the form of the perfect man, Jesus. In Him there is no sin.
Therefore, He became the unblemished sacrifice. Jesus was called the sacrificial lamb that truly pleased the Father. If God’s love is not enough, then nothing will.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
You see, Jesus’ blood cleanses us of our sins. Through His blood, our sins are forgiven. Hence, the Bible says:
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
There is no other way because God did not think so. Would He sacrifice His beloved Jesus, Son of God for nothing? Similarly, I don’t think so either.
Did it come easy for God? Well, let me end here and I let you decide. Is God’s love enough for you that you want to live for Him? May you and your family be blessed and stay safe everyone!
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